Thursday, November 10, 2011

Movie Critiques :)

Today we got to watch our Movement short films so here are my thoughts :)

Shhh Its A Secret
I liked the black&white effect, and I would've made the music a little bit louder and the voices a little bit clearer.

AWESOME :D and just make the quote freeze a little bit longer :)

The Void
Abstract images and really good effects, and I would've tried to make the poetry easier to understand and I also would've made the music more challenging and faded out the sound at the end.

*Movement (The Move Crew)
I like the concept and the effects at the end, and I would've taken out the background audio and memorized the quotes instead of reading them off of a paper.

Cherry Bomb:
Cool effects, I would've made the sound louder and made the end the same as the rest of the movie instead of cutting to the bloopers during the credits

Crazy Hair
Good concept, and I would have just memorized the quotes at the beginning

Motion Hands
Cool angles, and I would've have just made the music a little bit lower

On Tuesday, we went to Mr. Richards' class to talk about Paul Baker's next element of Line. For our assignment, we had to draw a picture with 3 circles on the page, 2 additional circle going off of the page, and 2 different textures that take up the page.
I hope everyone likes my drawing :)


Just finished editing our awesome movie about movement :D Our movie was based on a flip-book of images drawn by Jose all having to do with the quote:
"The least movement is of importance to all nature. The entire ocean is affected by a pebble."
-Blaise Pascal-

My AWESOME group:
Me: Director/Editor
Sydney W.: Assistant Director/Camera
Jose R.: Talent
Angel P.: Writer

Take a look at our short film below!!!!!